Plant Butters Crystallization
Sometimes you will find little grains in some of our products that contain plant butters. We 'temper' all our butters to prevent crystallization. Unfortunately either during shipment or storage in higher than room temperature (especially in the summer, when the outside temperature is higher), creams 'melt' and solidify too slowly causing graniness. Crystallization is a natural reaction to temperature fluctuations, and is not an indication of poor quality. In no way does this effect the quality, or performance of any of our products. As soon as the product warms up to the skins temperature, the grains disappear.
Can we fix it? YESSS, WE CAN!
Wanna smooth it out?
Here’s how you fix our crystallized cream:
1. Put your cream jar in warm/hot water, periodically stirring (chopstick or backside of a teaspoon) until all grains have disappeared.
2. Stick the cream jar in the fridge and stir every 10 minutes until cool or alternatively, put the cream in the freezer and stir every 5 minutes.
3. Voila, smooch & delicious… enjoy!