Sun Cream
Here comes the Sun… and I say… It’s all right!
Sooo, the SUN IS HERE (YEAH!!), and most of us soon find ourselves with unfortunate tan lines, age spots, or going from white, to lobster, to pealing, to white again… sigh…
Now, imaging yourself showing off your Gorgeous Golden Glow… That’s right… sun kissed features, radiating bod in summer rags, and sexy tanned legs in a pair of killer sandals… not to much to ask, right?
Want to know the Secret to an EVEN GOLDEN GLOW, while feeding your skin with the very best of Nature’s Gourmet Skin Foods? Stick around! |
I know… by now you have been there, done that, and heard it all… and honestly are probably seriously confused about sunscreens and the horror stories featuring nano particles, endocrine disrupters + cancer causing/spreading chemicals.
If you are like me, you just want to know the truth, so that you can make well informed decisions based on facts and common sense that are in the best interest of yourself and your loved ones… AND look like a Golden Goddess with delicious glowing skin ;) |
Introducing the mothership of Sun Creams…
A Full Spectrum Sun Cream, completely CLEAN & SAFE to use for the whole family
The Sun Cream is composed of beautiful PLANT OILS & BUTTERS which themselves give protection from the elements along with many other delicious gifts, combined with Organic Aloe Vera Gel (super soothing), Colloidal Silver Water, and 20% high quality pharmaceutical grade Zinc Oxide, giving the cream super shield protection!
No nonsense of any kind, only beautiful NATURAL Ingredients: Colloidal Silver Water 20ppm, Sweet Almond Oil, Shea Butter, Zinc Oxide UPS 20%, Cocoa Butter, Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Organic Aloe Vera Gel, Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Cold Pressed Avocado Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Organic Beeswax, & Mandarin, Vanilla & Ylang-Ylang Ess. Oils. INCI Colloidal Silver, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis, Butyrospermum Parkii, Zinc Oxide, Aloe Barbensis, Carrageen, Citric Acid, Potassium Sorbate, Cocos Nucifera, Theobroma Cacao, Vitis Vinivera, Beeswax, Citrus Reticulata, Vanilla Planifolia, Cananga Odoratia Content 100ml |
The Cocoa, and Shea Butter in this product may crystallize, and sometimes a bit of separation can happen. This does not affect the performance of the product in any way. Due to the natural properties of the ingredients, our creams will be softer in warm weather, and harden in cooler temperatures.
Ingredients: Colloidal Silver Water 20ppm, Sweet Almond Oil, Shea Butter, Zinc Oxide UPS 20%, Cocoa Butter, Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Organic Aloe Vera Gel, Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Cold Pressed Avocado Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Organic Beeswax INCI Colloidal Silver, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis, Butyrospermum Parkii, Zinc Oxide, Aloe Barbensis, Carrageen, Citric Acid, Potassium Sorbate, Cocos Nucifera, Theobroma Cacao, Vitis Vinivera, Beeswax
I learned of the -pardon my French- ‘endocrine disrupting, cancer causing poisonous crap’ laced through sunscreens years ago, and have wanted nothing to do with it ever since. LOL… of course my friends and clients refused to take ‘maybe some day’ for an answer, pleaded their case, and I got to work :)
As with everything in life, I want THE BEST and I WANT IT ALL… What does that look like in a sunscreen?
Not sure if Sun Cream is for you? Not crazy about walking around with a “white Glow” on your face?
It is the Zinc Oxide in the cream that makes it look white and provides most protection. The fact that it stays on your skin means that it is NOT ABSORBED by the body… and this is a VERY GOOD THING.
Did you know that the Foundation Cream created from our KIT, can be used as a blocker… That’s right… SMOOTH, FLAWLESS & PROTECTED complexion! … Did I mention that due to the superior ingredients of the Sun Cream, it also provides the best kind of AFTER SUN nurturing care?! |
We stand behind everything we create. It is our business to gain clients that are as passionate about our products as we are.
WHY? Because we want YOU and yours as life long clients, and for you to spread the word on our products.
WIN - WIN… We GUARANTEE that your skin is well taken care of, and YOU get the benefit from the BEST in skin care. However, if you are not feeling the magic, we will issue a 100% refund, within 30 days of purchase… an easy promise to make when you are selling a truly beautiful product ;) |
Give yourself a piece of mind and KNOW that your skin is lovingly cared for and well protected! LOL, how often are you really able to buy yourself a little PEACE + SERURITY… AND have GLOWING skin & smell good enough to eat?!
SUN and SUMMER come with so many blessings and gifts, lets use them to your advantage!
2014 Blog Post:
Here comes the sun!
Here comes the sun!
I've received many requests to create a sunscreen, or sun block to be more precise, and with the summer almost here, I thought to get to it :) Very selfishly it was not very high on my 'to do' list last year, as I have not used commercial sunscreen since Wham and Madonna topped the charts, nor have I ever used it on my children.
My son Simeon would live on the beach in the summer if he could, only to be reluctantly persuaded direction homebound, helped by my highly perfected techniques of coercion and/or bribery after hours in the sun and water. Having said that, we enjoy a diet that is super high in antioxidants and I love and use CC Creams (SPF 2-4), and rarely go out without wearing my Foundation Cream (SPF 15-30) … that’s right… vanity, a great and very effective strategy for younger and healthier skin ;) |
What would an ideal sun cream look like? How about while protecting the skin from UVA and UVB (full spectrum), the cream would restore and repair the effects of sun exposure, and soften, moisturize and hydrate all at the same time, while feeling wonderful and smelling great?!
One of the secrets to my products is finding and using whole ingredients that have the qualities that I am looking for… sounds simple right?
One of the secrets to my products is finding and using whole ingredients that have the qualities that I am looking for… sounds simple right?
If I want a product to be high in Vitamin E (a powerful antioxidant), instead of adding it as an additive (in combination with a low cost oil), I look for a plant oil and/or butter that is naturally abundant in Vitamin E… rather like eating an orange vs washing down a Vitamin C pill with a commercial pasteurized fruit beverage.
The next step is to make a selection of the eligible candidates based on what other gifts they offer for what I am looking for. For instance Cocoa Butter is super high in antioxidants, as well as an ultimate moisturizer and softener, keeping the skin hydrated and enforcing collagen and elastin production while adding water resistance. Cherry on top… It has been scientifically proven that Cocoa Butter will prevent skin degradation due to the harmful effects of the sun… an obvious and absolute winner in a sun cream :) |
Another important factor in choosing ingredients made for sun protection is to choose oils and butters that naturally have a SPF (Sun Protection Factor), as well as being softening, moisturizing, healing, etc., like Sweet Almond Oil (SPF 5), Virgin Coconut Oil (SPF 2-8), Cold Pressed Avocado Oil (SPF 4-15!), Shea Butter (SPF 3-6), Extra Virgin Olive Oil (SPF 2-8), ...add some Organic Aloe Vera Gel to sooth heated skin, Beeswax for protection and water resistance, Colloidal Silver Water for it’s strong anti-inflammatory properties, and Mandarin (sweet and relaxing), Vanilla (strong anti-oxidant), and Ylan-Ylang (calming and antiseptic) Essential Oils for their beautiful and child friendly scents (unscented option is also available), and voila we have magic… except for one more ingredient…
The best and only 'good' ingredient that can block both UVA and UVB, that I have found is Zinc Oxide. It is easy to get confused about Zinc Oxide as it is listed as toxic when inhaled (a non-issue when used in a cream, but very important for people who work with it in powder form in larger quantities).
There is much controversy about Zinc Oxide that has been nano sized or mironized (micronized Zinc Oxide can contain nano particles, much like sawdust in a batch of wood chips), made small enough to penetrate the skin. The fear is that when exposed to sunlight, Zinc Oxide nanoparticles may promote the generation of free radicals and increase the risk of mutations. Although no research that I have found is conclusive, the verdict is not out on this one and therefor I have chosen to stay clear and only use a high quality uncoated pharmaceutical grade Zinc Oxide UPS ranging in size between 0.18 - 0.36 microns (much larger than nano and micro particles).
Our Sun Cream contains 20% Zinc Oxide, giving it a SPF 30. The great news is that the Zinc Oxide is a broad-spectrum blocker, protecting from both UVA and UVB, and stays on the skin dispersing and absorbing ultraviolet radiation, protecting your living skin underneath… yeah!
Zinc oxide is also an anti-oxidant and is able to soothe, protect and help skin heal, and can be used as a mild astringent and an antiseptic. It can help treat and relieve moist, painful or itchy skin conditions.
Why does it matter? The crime list of sunscreens agains humanity is long and ugly and I shall address a few of them…
I learned long ago that I was better off without using sunscreen, but it was not until I really delved into the subject that I learned exactly why. Long story short… almost all commercial sunscreens contain active chemicals like oxybenzone, oxtinoxate, and octisalate. These endocrine disrupters enter the bloodstream directly and interfere with hormones, namely estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and thyroid hormones. |
These chemicals can cause abnormal development of fetuses and growing children, early puberty and premature breast development in girls, and small and undescended testicles in boys, as well as contribute to development of breast and ovarian cancers in women and prostate cancers in men.
Other ingredients used in commercial brands can have specific effects as well. Retinyl Palmitate showed to speed the development of skin tumours and lesions when exposed to sunlight, while the chemical fragrances that makes sunscreen smell like a day on the beach have been linked to organ toxicity and immunotoxicity. |
The sun comes with an abundance of gifts, and is to be enjoyed in anyway that works for you ♥ As always I strongly encourage anyone to do your own research and find your own truth :)
Love, light, and happy and healthy skin everyone!
Malene ♥
Women who avoid sunbathing during the summer are twice as likely to die as those who sunbathe every day
That’s right, a major study conducted by the Karolinska Institute in Sweden followed 30,000 women for over 20 years and “showed that mortality was about double in women who avoided sun exposure compared to the highest exposure group.” Optimal blood levels of vitamin D offers protection against sunburn and skin cancer. Read full Article |
Sunscreen and cosmetics could be killing men’s sperm
Sunscreen and cosmetics could be killing men’s sperm, according to researchers who found that only one in four males has good fertility levels.
Experts in reproduction said chemicals and the trappings of modern life appeared to be damaging men’s chances of having a family. Research found that just 25 per cent of young men were producing good quality sperm, and the average volume had declined by a quarter since the 1940s. The findings, presented at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology’s annual meeting in Lisbon, prompted warnings from doctors that consumer lifestyles may have created a toxic environment for men. Read full article |